What is the process of a kidney transplant? 

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure consisting of a healthy donor kidney being placed into the body of a person whose kidneys are no longer able to function properly. A donor kidney can come from a deceased donor or a living donor, usually a family member, friend, or sometimes a stranger.  For most people suffering from an end-stage renal disease (ESRD), a kidney transplant may be the best option to treat the diseased kidney.

Steps & Challenges in Kidney Transplantation

Who is a candidate for a kidney transplant?

A person with a glomerular filtration rate of less than 20 has been diagnosed with kidney failure and has not started dialysis, or a person who is currently on dialysis.

Do I need to go on dialysis if I'm expecting to get a transplant?

It may take time to complete the evaluation process for both the donor and the recipient, so patients may need to go on dialysis before they get a transplant to remain healthy for the surgery.

How do I get placed on the transplant waiting list?

To be evaluated for placement on the national kidney transplant waiting list, a referral to a transplant center from your nephrologist and clearance from your health insurance provider is needed.  Once clearance from your health insurance has been established, an extensive medical evaluation will be required by the transplant center.  After you have completed your medical evaluation, the transplant team members will be the ones to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for a kidney transplant. You will be added to the national wait list if you are deemed a suitable candidate.

Understanding the costs involved with a kidney transplant:

The process of receiving a kidney transplant involves costs before, during, and after the actual kidney transplant. The costs are the responsibility of the recipient. Critical, extensive financial planning will aid in the long-term success of your kidney transplant.

Costs include: 

  • Laboratory tests, organ procurement, transplant surgeons, and other operating room personnel.
  • In-hospital stays, transportation to and from the transplant hospital for surgery and checkups, and parking fees depend on the location of the transplant center.
  • Lodging depends on how far you live from the transplant center.
  • Medications, including immunosuppressive or anti-rejection medications, are very costly.

Health insurance may cover some or most of the cost. However, insurance policies vary widely.  Contact your health insurance provider to obtain detailed information about how your insurance company handles your expenditures related to your procedure.

The kidney transplant recipient is responsible for any costs not covered by the insurance.  Different types of financial resources will have to be considered to help pay for the costs not covered.  Some examples are savings, sale of property, or fundraising. The transplant center’s social worker and financial coordinator may be able to help you develop a financial plan or may be able to put you in contact with organizations that provide financial assistance to kidney transplant recipients.

What to expect during a kidney transplant:

On average, a kidney transplant surgery takes approximately 3-5 hours. Your newly transplanted kidney may start working right away or may take up to a few weeks to make urine.  It is a possibility dialysis treatment may be needed to jump-start the newly transplanted kidney.

What to expect after a kidney transplant:

After your kidney transplant, you typically will need to stay in the hospital for several days to recover from surgery and longer if you have complications. While in the hospital, the transplant team will be managing your pain, anti-rejection, immunosuppressant medications, and other medications. Upon discharge from your hospitalization, the patient and their caregiver will be given several medications with specific instructions on which medications should be taken and when the medications should be taken. The possible side effects that must be reported. Be sure you understand the instructions for taking your medications before you leave the hospital. You will be required to return for multiple laboratories and transplant follow-up appointments the first few weeks after your surgery. These follow-up appointments are very important and necessary to check for complications after surgery and adjust your medications to the proper dosage. Once the transplant team deems your newly transplanted kidney as stable, your follow-up appointments will be less frequent. Talk to your transplant team to gain a better understanding of the progression of your follow-up appointments.

For more information on how to become a living kidney donor through UCLA Health, please visit http://www.uclakidneydonor.org/.


Disclaimer: The UCLA Health System cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information. The information is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Please speak to your Physician before making any changes.